Undignified is the word which best suits the latest move of the Senate in its war on the executive. According to last evening's papers, that body has taken as an official document a paper brought to this country by a Chicago newspaper man and has voted to introduce it into the Congressional record. No word of any sort confirming the authenticity of the document has come from the American representatives in Paris. The Senate is in reality going behind the back of the President, or as one Senator remarked "getting through the kitchen window."
Senator Hitchcock in commenting on the Senate's move said "It is beneath the dignity of the Senate to co-operate with the German government in throwing a monkey wrench into the peace machinery. It is known that this treaty first was made public in Germany. The German government did it for a purpose to get better terms. And the majority here is co-operating with the German government by its action today."
The Senator is exactly right; the publication of this document by the Senate will only sow dissension among the people. And all the disputes may be for naught for the paper may be of no official character whatsoever. If the executive does not desire to inform the legislature on the progress of the treaty, that is the President's business. Many of us believe that Mr. Wilson has not taken the Senate sufficiently into his confidence and have criticized him accordingly. But that does not excuse the Senate for taking illegitimate means to discredit the administration.
The document asserted to be an authentic draft of the peace terms was brought to the Senate by Mr. Borah, the same man who refused the President's invitation to an informal conference at the dinner table about the League of Nations, an occasion attended by all his colleagues. Doubtless by both of these discourteous actions he has gained political notoriety. But we feel certain that the bulk of Americans, Republicans and Democrats, respecting the dignity and unity of purpose of the nation, will repudiate his policy and will regret that the Senate has accepted from him a document of such doubtful origin.
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