
Senior Notice

The following is a list of spaces assigned for Class Day Spreads in Yard: 1, Thayer, (north side) to the Alpha Phi Sigma: 2, Holwowrthy (north side) to Kappa Gamma Chi: 3, Stoughton and Holden to Phillips Brooks House; 4, Harvard and Hollis to the Speakers' Club.

The following is a list of spaces available for Class Day in the Yard: 1, Wadsworth House; 2, Massachusetts Hall (south side); 3, Gymnasium; 4, Fogg Museum (east side); 5, Stoughton Hall (north side); 6, Dane Hall space (Mass. avenue); 7, Stoughtoa Hall (west side); 8. Hollis Hall (south side).

Applications should be made designating three choices. Clubs and Fraternities will be assigned their usual spaces occupied in former years; and all other groups will be given spaces according to their size and the promptness with which application is made. Spreads are enclosed with canvas walls which cost ten cents a foot.

Charis and Policemen for the entrances will be provided by the Class Day Committee for a small charge upon application. All applications for space must be sent in to M. Phinney '19, before Saturday, May 10.  C. A. CLARK.  Chairman Class Day Committee.
