At the Belmont Springs Country Club yesterday, Dartmouth defeated the University golf team, 12 to 4. H. S. Lake '20, and W. H. Potter, Jr., '19, were the only members of the Crimson team to win their matches. The summary follows: Captain Witherbee (D.) defeated Captain R. H. Wales '19, 2 and 1; H. S. Lake '20 defeated Boyd (D.), 2 and 1; S. Mauk (D.) defeated N. C. Baker '19, 3 and 2; H. Dennison (D.) defeated B. L. Wells '19, 5 and 3' W. H. Potter, Jr., '19, defeated B. H. Aukey (D.), 2 up; Rice (D.) defeated L. B. Liggett '19, 2 up.
The next match takes place tomorrow at the Brae Burn Country Club with the Georgia Tech. team which is now touring the north.
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