On June 20th, the annual Intercollegiate Student Conference will assemble at East Northfield, and from present indications, a representative delegation will attend from nearly every college and university in the East. The keynote of this year's program will be a study of reconstructional problems as applicable to college students, and a scrutiny of world obligations and undergraduate social standards. The program which has been drawn up by the committee in charge aims to bring forward the most direct appeals of the present period of readjustment while utilizing the experience and methods of conferences in other years.
Forty-Fourth Annual Meeting.
These conferences have been held for thirty-three years, and on the basis of the knowledge thus gained, the program for this year has been planned. To many men the opportunity of fellowship with students from other colleges, as well as with the speakers and leaders, forms the greatest single feature. The chance offered here of meeting and becoming acquainted with men not only from one's own college, but from many others, is considered most valuable for talking over common problems and ideals and comparing one's opinions on these subjects. Such problems or questions seem to most of the delegates easy of solution in the friendly conferences with some sympathetic and experienced leader; others have gained information and practical advice which has proved invaluable in later years.
Training in Recreative Possibilities.
In addition to the regular athletic events which constitute an important feature of the Conference, a part of the afternoon of each day will be devoted to mass games and recreative contests which have been used in the army and which are adapted to boys' clubs and general community service. The aim will be to have every member of the Conference participate, and to further train such of the delegates as desire it, in the use of recreation in social service work and other walks of life.
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