

Freshmen only $3.60 Behind Present Senior Class in Contributions.

Yesterday afternoon $219.85 was contributed toward the Senior Picnic Fund by the Freshmen when the annual class pictures were taken. Although the event went off very smoothly, with no Freshman casualties reported, the upper classmen are entirely satisfied with the results of their work.

The total of $219.85 was derived from the following sources: 7 checks (3 of them bad), $22; 38 bills, $48; $20 in gold pieces (none); $10 gold pieces (none); Liberty Bond Coupons (3), $3.08; silver dollars (none); half-dollars (91), $45.50; quarters (257), $64.25; dimes (202), $20.20; Canadian dimes (1), $10; nickels (215), $10.75; cents (405), $4.05; Boston Elevated nickels (24), $1.92; total, $219.85.

In their Freshman year, the class of 1918 contributed $241 toward the Senior Picnic. The present Seniors gave $223.45, or $3.60 more than they received from the Freshmen yesterday.
