

Singing Contest Between Gore, Standish, and Yard Main Event.

Preparations for the Freshman Jubilees which will take place Tuesday afternoon in the quadrangle are now almost completed. During the afternoon there will be private teas given in various students rooms. Just before the supper, which is to be held at six o'clock in the quadrangle, special musical selections will be given by J. Sargent, Jr., H. Elliott, Jr., and A. L. Steinert, followed by an informal concert by the Freshman orchestra.

The Jubilee proper will begin immediately after supper, when the inter dormitory Singing Contest will be held. The three groups, Gore, Standish, and the Yard, will each sing there songs, the class song to form one of the selections given by each. "There is a Tavern in our Town" and "Living Along" by gofer, "Jingle Bells," and "Winter Song" by Standish, and "The Spanish Cavalier" and the "Hunting Song" by the Yard will form the remainder of the singing. A silver loving cup, presented by a group of University graduates, will be awarded to the group which has, in the opinion of the judges, shown the best musical training. While the judges confer to make a decision, the whole class will sing a number of songs. Upon the award of the cup, the leader of the winning group will lead the whole class in singing "Fair Harvard."

Dance Will Last to 1 o'clock.

After the singing, there will be dancing until 1 o'clock. The music is to be furnished by Marcelled's and Bert Lowe's orchestra.

The price of admission to the quadrangle and dance is one dollar. There will be an additional charge for the supper. Tickets should be obtained from any member of the Committee as soon so possible.
