

Immense Throng Will View Historic Event; Jesters Well Primed.

At four o'clock this afternoon the CRIMSON news gatherers will cross bats with Lampy's lurid lyric artists in their one hundred and fifty-second annual baseball orgy. At a late hour last night it was reported that the Lampoon athletes were in a well-preserved condition; but there seems no doubt that the Plympton street pen pushers will have little difficulty in disposing of the punsters.

The management has provide refreshment stations at all the bases, in order that the lampoon prohibitionists may not fell embarrassed at failing to race first.

A prize of one straw-hat sandwich at Jimmie's has been offered to any player who succeeds in Knocking off the spire of Memorial Hall. The betting odds are 1492 to 1919 in favor of the CRIMSON and the largest crowd in history is expected to witness the complete demolition of the blasphemers of the sacred "transcript."
