
Senior Notice

The chairmen of all Yard Spreads should leave word at Dunster 54 if they wish any chairs on Class Day and if so, how many. the class Day Committee will see that their chairs are placed in the proper enclosures on Class Day. The amount of canvass used for each spread may be ascertained from Mr. Mahady at the desk in the Upper Reading Room of Widener.

The following rainy day spaces for Spreads have been assigned: Class of 1909, Sever 1, 2, 5, 6; Speakers' Club, Holden Chapel; Phillips Brooks House, Brooks House; alpha sigma Phi, Sever 20; Alphi Phi sigma, Sever 7, 8; H. H. Pell, Jr., Harvard 3; K. G. X. Harvard 6; Kappa Sigma, Lower Massachusetts.
