

Third 1922 Races Club Crew.--Many Schools Enter Contests.

A program of five races has been arranged for the first day of the annual Invitation Crew Regatta, which begins this afternoon at 3.30. The opening event on the program is a contest between the third 1922 boat and the two club crews from the Newell Boat House. This will be followed at half-hour intervals by races for second school fours, first school fours, senior singles, and a feature event with the M.I.T. second freshmen, Tufts, and the 1922 club crew as competitors.

Five outside schools have been entered in today's contests for the first and second school fours. In the second school event, which takes place at 4.30 o'clock, the competitors will be Noble and Greenough, Boston High School of Commerce, and possibly Browne and Nichols. These same institutions have also entered the race for first school fours at 4.30, the prize for which is the Harvard challenge cup. In addition, Brookline High and English High have signified their intention of competing.

Two definite entrants have been received for the race for school eights tomorrow: Noble and Greenough and Huntington School. It is expected that the M. I. T. first freshmen will also place a boat in this event.
