

In the usually respectable editorial columns of our old friend and contemporary. The Harvard Advocate, a policy has lately been developed which does not seem worthy of a Harvard publication. In entire disinterestedness we do not think it right for a paper which aims to represent, in some degree at least, the best undergraduate opinion as well as the best undergraduate literary ability at Harvard, to embark on a red-hot campaign of bitter personal invective against the President, no matter who he may be, of these United States. Whatever he has done or left undone, no American critic seriously doubts that President Wilson is striving today, as he has always striven, to advance what he considers to be the best interests of the American people. Therefore for an undergraduate magazine to embark upon an editorial policy so shamelessly bigoted and blindly partisan, dropping as it does to extremes which only George Harvey dare exceed is not exactly well-considered. Frankly, we do not see how the members of the Advocate Board could ever have deliberately agreed on so questionable a policy.

Whatever the pros and cons of the case, we fervently hope that the Advocate will speedily discontinue so patently unrepresentative a policy.
