Special to the Transcript:
New Haven, Conn., May 15. Despite the appeal of President James C. Braden of the Yale Athletic Association, the Tap Day exercises will be held this afternoon, when the forty-five juniors will be elected to the senior societies on the campus in the annual picturesque exercises. Braden, who is also captain of the track team, has warned the university that he fears that the excitement of the ordeal will have such an adverse influence on the track athletes that Yale may lose the dual athletic games with Harvard on Saturday.
The university officials have decided to allow the exercises to be held, but have ordered, the campus closed to the public and will make the "tapping" a purely Yale family affair. Not even the underclassmen will be supposed to be present.
The ceremonies consist of the forty-five present members of the senior societies, Skull and Bones, Scroll & Key, and Wolf's Head, appearing one by one on the campus and every one slapping a member of the present junior class as a token of his election, ordering him to go to his room, where he is formally notified of his election in private. --Boston Transcript.
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