

Since his arrival here last February Colonel Goetz, working in the seclusion of the Military Office, has perfected plans for the Field Artillery Unit to be established here next fall. Laboring under the handicap of the bad reputation of the S. A. T. C., he set forth, a short time ago, comprehensive plans for the future R. O. T. C., which, if they materialize, will undoubtedly prove of great value to the University. The few men who have come in touch with Colonel Goetz are already eagerly awaiting the time next fall when they shall be under the leadership of a man who appears to be of the same high calibre as Colonel Shannon and Colonel Cordier; but many others, it cannot be too strongly urged should sign up for the courses next fall if the military program is to be the success that the War Department desires.

Today comes the welcome news that Colonel Goetz has been ordered to France to study actual war conditions, in order to conduct his work here next fall in accordance with principles learned first hand on the battlefields. We congratulate the Colonel on his splendid opportunity, and expectantly await his return to Cambridge in September.
