

Another teacher to make the supreme sacrifice, Richard Norton, educator, is to have a memorial service on Saturday. The same zeal that carried him to Asia in the cause of science made him one of the first American volunteers in France, in the early part of 1914. The ability which he showed in organizing and leading expeditions of research made possible later, the success of his greater effort.

What the Norton-Harges Ambulance Unit has done is written large in the history of the relations between America and the Allies during the first years of the war. Its humanitarian results were testified by the request frequently made by wounded men to be evacuated in an American ambulance.

To those who gave their lives in the war the country will always be indebted. To those who, like Mr. Norton, also brought Europe, and the United Stated closer together we are doubly grateful. It is characteristic of the man that, though too old to join a combatant unit in the American Army, he had been twice decorated for gallantry. These are tangible acknowledgements of his work, but the real tribute for what he has accomplished lies in the heart of those who have been privileged to serve under him, and in the gratitude of every wounded man tended because of his efforts.
