

Long has it been the stately function of the CRIMSON to pry about in the collegiate world for cases where congratulations are due, and then solemnly to deliver those congratulations. Yesterday two clear cases urgently requiring such attention poked themselves upon our receptive consciousness, and we are glad to fill the breach.

To the Harvard Lampoon especially our praises are due, for reaching a pinnacle in its precarious and Alpine history, and thence demolishing at one crack that pillar of New England society, the Boston Transcript.

Our congratulations cannot fail to extend, too, to the above-mentioned Pillar, which has taken its demolishment with such good grace. Has it already bounced back into place again, regardless of this Samsonian effort from across the Charles? Has it now become a chastened pillar, a sadder and wiser Transcript? We wonder. But, senatim, we congratulate our august contemporary on the magnificent burst of gratis advertising which it has received.
