

Dean Mayo, Bolton, and Bacon to Speak; Amendment Not to be Submitted.

Three speakers have been obtained for the Junior Smoker which will be held in the Living Room of the Union tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. The men who will address the meeting are Dean Lawrence S. Mayo '10, J. C. Bolton, president of 1920, and E. A. Bacon, class treasurer. The committee in charge has also arranged for six reels of motion pictures to be given at the smoker. There will be a two reel Mack Sennett Comedy called "Those Athletic Girls," followed by a five-reel Douglas Fairbanks feature. "Bound in Morocco." Cigarettes, pretzels, and ginger ale will be served as usual.

The amendment to the class constitution concerning the method of conducting class elections will not be put before the class, as it applies to the voting in the fall of the Sophomore and Junior years only. This amendment, which was passed by the Sophomores at their smoker last Wednesday, will be voted upon by the Freshmen next week, when they hold their smoker.
