
Rouner and Packard Awarded First Boylston Elocution Prizes

At the annual trials for the Boylston Prizes for Elocution held last week, A. A. Rouner '20, and F. C. Packard '20, were awarded the two first prizes of $30 each. Their addresses dealt respectively with the "American Standard," taken from a speech of Booker T. Washington '96, and a poem by Alfred Noyes, "The Highwayman." Three second prizes of $20 each were also awarded as follows: R. E. Eckstein '20, "Joan of Arc," by Quincy; V. A. Kramer '18 ocC., extracts from a speech of President Wilson on the League of Nations; E. B. Schwults '19, "The Monroe Doctrine." The judges were Dean Fenn, of the Divinity School; Professor J. H. Beale '82; Professor J. L. Lowes, Gr. '03, and Mr. John Moores.
