At the annual trials for the Boylston Prizes for Elocution held last week, A. A. Rouner '20, and F. C. Packard '20, were awarded the two first prizes of $30 each. Their addresses dealt respectively with the "American Standard," taken from a speech of Booker T. Washington '96, and a poem by Alfred Noyes, "The Highwayman." Three second prizes of $20 each were also awarded as follows: R. E. Eckstein '20, "Joan of Arc," by Quincy; V. A. Kramer '18 ocC., extracts from a speech of President Wilson on the League of Nations; E. B. Schwults '19, "The Monroe Doctrine." The judges were Dean Fenn, of the Divinity School; Professor J. H. Beale '82; Professor J. L. Lowes, Gr. '03, and Mr. John Moores.
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