

Considering the fact that one University team in an attempt to uphold the liquor traffic in the recent intercollegiate debate was battered until it had, so to speak, not a keg to stand on, while its more soberly-inclined colleague went down utterly before the forces of booze, news of the generous distribution of gold and silver medals among the two unhappy teams is astonishing to say the least, besides giving color to the rumors that Harvard is fast becoming Prussianized. We are told that the Germans were accustomed to stimulate their troops after a "strategic retreat" by a wholesale dispensation of Iron Crosses. If the Debating Council is pursuing this plan, then we heartily approve, for the worthy debaters unquestionably deserve something.

In the interests of fairness, however, the CRIMSON makes bold to offer a suggestion. In spite of grave doubts as to which team did the most to refute Prohibition, we suggest that, instead of distinguishing between the principal speakers and the alternates, the gold medals be pinned upon the breasts of those who opposed the 18th Amendment and the silver decorations upon their less worthy colleagues.
