

Harvard's last war-time duty has been completed with the overwhelming over-subscription of the College Victory Loan quota, and students may now face the future, without the presence of any very immediate national obligation to trouble their peace of mind. The war is won, the peace is paid for, and at first sight it would appear that college men are free to follow their own interests without let or hinderance.

This happy situation makes it all too easy for us to forget that the country needs us in peace just as urgently as in war. The service required is more natural and normal, perhaps, than it was, but still it is service. By developing ourselves to the utmost of our capacity, and along lines in which we are best fitted to serve, we are doing our bit toward the development of the nation. The fight to develop the student body is the fight for which colleges exist. Even during the normal reaction from actual war it cannot be lost sight of. It is a fight that no armistice can end and no loan pay for.

A practical example of this applied patriotism is the duty of the individual to do his share in defence of the country. This means, not merely preparedness so serve in times of peace, but also in the time of a future war. The bulk of the officers in the next emergency must come from college men. Unless these wish to enlist in the ranks or fret in a training camp while their comrades light, they must prepare in advance.

It is to furnish this that the Artillery Unit at the University has been formed. Those who have had no military training would do well to consider the advantages of this course. No American citizen will wish to suffer the humiliation of being, for the second time, willing but unprepared.
