


At a meeting attended by over a hundred prospective candidates for the University football team, Coach Wingate Rollins '16 emphasized the importance of spring football this year. R. W. P. Brown '98 and R. T. Fisher '12 also spoke on the plans for the coming season. Practice will begin at 3 o'clock today, when all candidates will report at the Locker Building and receive equipment. There will be a light work out later in the afternoon.

"There are four reasons why practice is especially essential this spring," said Coach Rollins at the meeting, "First, we want to get the new men in line and form some opinions about the material for next season. Second, after the lapse of athletics during the war, it is important to bring football back to mind again. Third, we will be able to give individual instruction to men this spring whom we will not have time to pay especial attention to next fall, and lastly, we want to start early on some of the formations which we shall use in the fall."

R. W. P. Brown '98 pointed out the fact that spring practice would add a twenty per cent increase to the ten weeks of training which will take place next fall. In emphasizing this point he said, "I have seen many games lost because of a few hours lack of practice, and we want to insure ourselves against such an occurence."

Largest Spring Meeting Ever Held.

R. T. Fisher '12, former captain of the University team, showed that next year would be a critical one for Harvard football. "This is the largest spring football gathering I have ever seen," he said, "and it seems to indicate that the men realize what they are up against.


"However, the situation is not so discouraging as most people may think. With every coach back except Haughton, all we need is a leader to turn out a championship team. Haughton will be with us in spirit, and we will keep up his system. I am glad to see that the football men for next year are following Haughton's old advice to 'start right'."
