That many of the best officers and men of the "Yankee Division" who stemmed the attack at Chateau Thierry and charged in return, were University men was the statement of Brig. Gen. Charles H. Cole, Commander of the 52nd Brigade, in an interview yesterday.
"I am not a college man myself, but my brothers were Harvard men. One of them Major Edward P. Cole '04 fell mortally wounded at the Battle of Belleau Wood. For bravery and gallantry on the field of battle' he received the Croix de Guerre, the Distinguished Service Cross and the French Legion of Honor.
"Naturally, I was more acquainted with the men in the higher commands of the 26th Division. Many were Harvard men. Brig. Gen. Sherman was one of them. He went across as a Colonel, was then promoted to the command of the Brigade Artillery of the 92nd Division, fought at Toul and Verdun, and, after the armistice was signed, was transferred to the 26th Division. He was one of three National Guard Colonel's to be promoted to the rank of Brigadier-General during the war. Then there is Col. Richard K. Hale '02, now Chief of Staff of the Yankee Division, who, during the war, was on the General Staff of the A. E. F. as Assistant Chief of Staff of the Second Corps that fought with the British in Flanders. Among some of the others are Col. R. F. Goodwin, who commanded the 101st Field Artillery throughout the war, Major Wendt, Adjutant of the Brigade Artillery in the Division, and Major Carrol J. Swan '01, who as Captain of a Company in the 101st Engineers, the old First Corps Cadets, was not satisfied enough with engineer work, dangerous as it is, but jumped at the chance to lead his men into action as Infantry. Finally there is Col. Edward L. Logan '01, whose removal caused so much discussion.
"Of course I was not so well acquainted with the junior officers in the Division, but there were many Harvard men among them especially in the 101st Engineers, the old First Corps Cadets, and in the 101st and 102nd Field Artillery, having been transferred from the old Battery A. They were not less spirited than their senior officers. A good example is Captain H. Frothingham, commander of Co. F, 104th Infantry. An old football player, he used to go into battle as if he were going into a Yale game. For gallant conduct while under fire, he was promoted to a captaincy. He would have made a success in any army, and there were many other Harvard men just like him.
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