

Social Service Committee Will Hold Annual Dinner In Union.

Americanization will be the principal topic for discussion at the annual dinner and conference of the Social Service Committee of the Phillips Brooks House Association to be held in the Trophy Room of the Union at 6.30 o'clock this evening. The Committee has been active in social service work in and around Boston, and has found opportunities for many University volunteers, but the number of workers from the College will have to be more than doubled in order to carry out the new program of Americanization of the foreign-born.

The speakers will be G. W. Tupper, Immigration Secretary of the Massachusetts Y. M. C. A., C. A. Coolidge, Jr., '17, former president of the Phillips Brooks Association, C. C. Webber, of the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood House, and F. K. Bullard '20. G. C. Barclay '19 will preside. All students of the University who are interested in social service work are invited to attend.
