With a subscription of $11,400 yesterday, the Sophomore Class went over the top on the third day of the University Victory Liberty Loan Campaign, exceeding their assigned quota of $9,100 by over 2,000 dollars. The Junior Class was second with $900, the Freshman Class third with $300, and the Seniors last, with only $150 subscribed. The College total for the day was $13,000, which, added to the previous collection, brings the total to $18,600,--over one-half of the quota for the drive. Two hundred and fifty dollars was raised yesterday from the University at large.
In a talk to the University Committee last night, W. L. W. Field, Executive Chairman of the New England, Committee for schools and colleges, said that he was pleased with the amount of the subscriptions, but that the number of individual purchasers was not sufficient. He emphasized the fact that a $50 note can be purchased by paying $5 now, $5 in July, and $10 a month for the four following months. Mr. Field said that he hoped that every member of the University would subscribe, making a unanimous quota.
German Helmet for Best Canvasser
The Canvassing Committee has secured a German helmet, which will be given, at the end of the drive, to the member of the University who sells the greatest number of bonds during the campaign.
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