

It is with great satisfaction that the University notes the return of many prominent members of the Faculty from war work. The announcement of courses for the academic year 1919-20 has much of the appearance of the pamphlet of a pre-war day, and the bandying of thirds of courses will be a bogey of the past with the resumption of the old academic year.

The many activities in which Professors were engaged have in frequent instances called for a continuance of effort after the suspension of hostilities. Research, food control, and labor problems have not permitted of hasty cessation.

But the fact that the great majority of absent Faculty members have effected the completion of their war work, to permit the resumption of University courses in the fall, will be warmly welcomed.

Thus the University returns to its anebellum schedule, but it will not and would not return to the "normal." We have sent well-equipped men from our Faculty into many war activities; they have served the nation well. The effect of their teaching will be an essential factor in the new, after war life of Harvard.
