

University Choir Joins With Wellesley In Sunday Afternoon Concert.

A special Easter service will be held Sunday in Appleton Chapel. The Reverend John Kelman, D.D., minister of St. George's Presbyterian Church, Edinburgh, will preach and special musical numbers are to be rendered by the University Choir. The service is open to the public as well as to members of the University.

Sunday afternoon the University Choir will join the Wellesley Choir in giving a concert at the Wellesley College vespers in the Chapel. The Wellesley Choir will give a concert in Appleton Chapel some time in May.

The program for the Wellesley concert on Sunday is as follows: Response, "Oh God, Thy Goodness,"  Beethoven Wellesley Choir. Redemption Hymn,  J. C. D. Parker University and Wellesley Choirs. O Filii et Filiae,  Leisring "Adoramus Te,"  Palestrina University Choir. Organ, Psalm 19,  Marcello Dr. Davison. Cherubim Song,  Rachmaninoff University Choir. "Unfold, ye portals everlasting," Gounod University and Wellesley Choirs.
