

Group Will Be Selected to Investigate New York Living Conditions.

An unusual opportunity is being offered by the Student Department of the Y. M. C. A. for a practical study of economic and social settlement conditions in New York City this summer. A group of 50 students will be selected from different parts of the country, who will have their headquarters in some settlement house in a typical section of the city. Their work in the various districts will bring them into close contact with the actual living conditions of New York and will give them an insight into the extensive community welfare work which is being undertaken there. This opportunity will be of particular value to those who are concentrating in economics or who desire to study industrial conditions at first hand.

The period of service is from June 30 to August 18, and the men selected for the group will be under no expense during this time except their railroad fare to and from New York. The position is open to a limited number of Juniors and Seniors only. Those interested should send their names at once to the Graduate Secretary, Phillips Brooks House Association.
