


Yale's Student Council has endorsed a definite measure designed to limit the number of activities in which a student may take part through a classification of activities. The principal activities of the university are listed under three heads. In Class A are placed the captaincy and managership of a major sport, chairmanship of the Yale News and of other college papers and the managership of musical clubs. In Class B are the captaincy and managership of a minor sport, membership on the Yale News Board and any other offices other than in Class A. Class C includes membership in the musical clubs and managership of a Freshman team. No man may hold contemporaneously active positions except as follows: one of Class A and one of Class C; two of Class B or one of Class B and two of Class C; three of Class C.

The purpose of this measure is to give to the activities men who will have time to do them justice and to take away office holding from the few and distribute it more evenly, thus encouraging men to take part in undergraduate interests.

Both the Yale and the Sheffield Scientific School student councils have shown their desire, by unanimous votes, to incorporate the measures' provisions in their respective constitutions. To do this requires a two-thirds vote of the three upper classes in a balloting which will take place today.

Prof. Mendel New Athletic Director.

After a lapse of two years, a formal organization of the Yale Board of Athletic Control with Professor Clarence W. Mendel as new athletic head, will take place soon. Professor Mendel succeeds Professor Robert N. Corwin who resigned last week.
