

Before the end of the year, the University proposes to make certain changes in its system of concentration and distribution. Just how extensive the contemplated modifications are, we do not know, but it is not impossible that when the leaders of the Faculty discuss the situation, their reforms may be almost as revolutionary as those at Yale.

There is a general feeling manifest in every field of human endeavor at the present time: a belief that the great struggle of the last five years has made new methods of life necessary, that there must be closer co-operation between capital and labor. And at the root of most of our social problems lies that of education. It has been customary -- too customary -- to dismiss any difficult problem with the statement: "If we had better education this would take care of itself." But, although these words have become very trite, it is none the less true that reforms in our colleges, secondary, and elementary schools are very necessary if we are to be able to face the new problems which confront the world.

It is, therefore, with satisfaction, that we learn that Harvard is to be among the first to appreciate the need for a new system. We wish, however, that this work of reconstructing education might not be left entirely to the Faculty. Doubtless their long experience makes it necessary for them to effect the actual changes, but it would seem that discussions of proposed reforms in which the student body is adequately represented would be very profitable. They would add another point of view: that of the younger generation; a point of view which, while less stable, is valuable because of its vigor. A step in the right direction has been taken. The Student Council has appointed a committee to present to the Faculty suggestions for the elucidation of the system of concentration and distribution. But this is not enough. The student body as a whole should become conscious of the possibility of change, should think, discuss and present to the Faculty as many ideas as possible on the subject.

There is, at Harvard, much need for change. The average undergraduate, takes too little interest in his courses. This is undoubtedly his own fault to a large extent, but the courses and the system underlying them are also responsible. Students fail to link up their outside interests--even the intellectual ones--with their lectures. Some men have far too many activities to be able to digest them; others do not know what to do with their time. The proposed division of activities at Yale, which is outlined on another page, shows an effort to establish a balance.

However we may feel as individuals, towards college reforms, we have not only the right but the duty to contribute our point of view. If we believe the present system ideal, let us say so and tell why. If we dislike it, let us propose constructive changes. These questions are vital. The world has never before offered so many problems. There has never been such hope for great constructive reform. We can not afford to shirk the issue; we should all strive to contribute some real experience to the cause, and remember that any honest conclusion we may reach is of value.
