

It is significant for the track team that William Rand, a former captain, considers that the University has a good chance of capturing the Intercollegiate Championship in May. There are over a hundred candidates working daily on the track in the Stadium, and many of the runners show great promise of developing into sure point winners in the coming meets.

Although there is much good material now training, new men greatly aid the development of subsequent teams, and provide the enormous advantage of stimulating the present runners to do their utmost.

Track at this University comes in for less publicity and appreciation than any other major report, which is in direct contrast to a great number of other colleges. In the West, and especially at the University of Pennsylvania and Cornell in the East, the athletic season is not considered a success unless a winning track team is developed. Certainly there ought to be greater interest in track here, for Harvard has excellent facilities and able coaches, besides having the fastest cinder track in America. With such splendid opportunities, every normal undergraduate, who is not suited, either by his physique or by his adaptability, for another major sport, should not be backward about making use of the two legs with which he is endowed.
