Plans are in progress at New Haven for the erection of a new athletic clubhouse which will afford locker and full athletic accommodations for every undergraduate at Yale. The building would help in carrying out the plan of enlisting every student in some branch of sport. So far, the lack of both athletic fields and clubhouse facilities has been the greatest handicap in interesting more men in athletics and physical exercise. The new building would serve as a memorial to the three major sport captains who were killed in the world war John Overton. Albert Sturtevant, and Alexander Wilson.
When the land for the present bowl was purchased six or seven years ago, enough adjoining real estate was secured to allow all sorts of athletic grounds for the development of football, baseball, tennis, gold, lacrosse, and any other sports which interested the undergraduates. The abolition of intercollegiate athletic during the war cut deeply into Yale's plans for sport expansion, but Dr. Alfred H. Sharpe, the new director of athletics who will come to Yale next fall, has promised to assist in both the development of the athletic real estate plant and the erection of buildings large and well-equipped enough to accommodate every undergraduate.
Another step in connection with the plan of increasing students' interest in athletics is the formation of an association of all undergraduates who are or have been members Yale teams. It is proposed to bring together the past and present athletes in a well-furnished club which will include every training table of the university, and provide a center for athletic activity.
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