Today marks the 28th anniversary of the Harvard Teachers' Association. The annual meeting will be held in Sanders Theatre and will be divided into a business session which begins at 9.45 this morning, and an address and discussion beginning at 10 o'clock. The topic of the discussion, "A Program of Education for Massachusetts" will be presented by Dr. Payson Smith, commissioner of Education for Massachusetts and will be discussed by President Lowell, Mr. Frederick C. Hood '86, of the Hood Rubber Company, Mr. Arthur C. Boyden, principal of the State Normal School at Bridgewater, and Mr. Frank V. Thompson '07, superintendent of schools, of Boston.
The annual dinner of the Association for its members and their guests will take place at the Union immediately after the morning meeting. Dr. John F. Moors '83, a member of the Harvard Corporation, will be the toastmaster. The Reverend Samuel McChord Crothers h.'99, minister of the First Parish Church (Unitarian), Cambridge, will speak on "Education and Human Nature." He will be followed by Professor Andre Morize, who will speak on "Some After-War Educational Problems."
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