
Senior Class Notice

As only twenty-five Seniors have been measured for their caps and gowns at the Harvard Co-operative so far, the Class Day Committee calls attention to the fact that only fifteen days remain in which to order them. The Class picture will be taken shortly after April 15 and no man will be allowed to appear in it without cap and gown. All Seniors must wear gowns on Class Day, and it has been the custom, in past years, for all members of the graduating class to wear them daily from 9 until 1 o'clock after May 1. These many reasons make it apparent that every member of the class should secure a cap and gown.

Until April 15 the price of a complete outfit will be $7.25, but after April 15 the price will be $7.75. Caps and gowns may be rented through the Co-operative Society store from May 1 to Class Day for $3.00. CLASS DAY COMMITTEE.
