

New Students Will Register Separately at End of Recess.

All students in the College and the Engineering School are required to register after their last college exercise on Thursday, March 20, between 9 and 6 o'clock at a place to be announced. The spring recess itself extends from Friday, March 21, to Thursday, March 27, inclusive.

Those members of the College and Engineering School who have been in residence at the University during the first and second terms are required to register upon returning on Friday, March 28, between 9 and 6 o'clock. New students entering or returning to either the College or Engineering School, who have not been in residence during the past term, will be required to register between 9 and 6 o'clock on Friday, March 28, at some other place, which will be announced later.

College exercises will be held as usual on Friday and Saturday, March 28 and 29. The times and places of first meetings will be posted later. Advisers may be consulted on March 28 and 29 at times and places which will be published in the Directory of Instruction at the opening of the next term.

Any student who fails to register at the times announced, either before or after the spring recess, will be required to pay a fee of $5,00 to the Bursar. Payment of this fee does not, however, preclude disciplinary action by the Administrative Board.
