

Honor Deceased Winner of D. S. C. in Brookline Tomorrow at 4.

A memorial service for Lieutenant Francis R. Austin '20, D. S. C., of Jamaica Plain, who died from wounds received in action, will be held in the First Parish Church of Brookline, at the corner of Walnut and Warren streets, tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock.

Lieutenant Austin left College in January, 1918 for the Third Officers' Training School, at Camp Upton, and sailed for Europe last April. He was commissioned Second Lieutenant of Infantry in June and assigned to the 109th Infantry. He commanded a company through the battle of the Argonne and was promoted to a First Lieutenancy. He was in command of the One Pounder section of the regiment on November 11, when he was mortally wounded. The Distinguished Service Cross was awarded him posthumously for conspicuous bravery in action.
