"Resolved that the United States should prohibit the immigration of unskilled labor for four years," is the question which the Freshman debating teams of Yale, Princeton, and the University will consider in their annual triangular contest on Monday. The 1922 negative will meet Princeton in Sanders Theatre, while the affirmative team debates with the Yale negative team at New Haven. At the same time, the Yale affirmative will face Princeton at Princeton. In each case, the negative team will debate at home, and the victory will go to the college winning both of its debates.
The order of the speakers on the negative team which stays at home follows: E. D. Hutchinson, W. B. Leach, Jr., G. P. Bickford, Jr., and S. A. Rosenblatt, alternate. The speakers for the affirmative in the order in which they speak are as follows: J. E. Lumbard, Jr., B. F. Jones, R. P. Hoagland, Jr., and alternates, R. K. Stretch and D. Hettleman.
Tickets for the contest in Sanders Theatre, Monday evening at 8 o'clock, are on sale at Leavitt & Peirce's, the Co-operative Branch, and Amee Brother's Bookstore at twenty-five cents each.
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