

Free Boxing and Wrestling Instruction Given Entrants.

Additional entries are wanted by the H. A. A. in the annual boxing and wrestling tournament, which is open to all members of the University and intended to decide the championships in those sports. Yesterday evening it was found that only a few men all of whom were Freshman had signed up at the H. A. A. Because of yesterday's small registration Coach Foley of the boxing squad and Coach Anderson of the wrestling squad will extend the free instruction which they are giving to their Freshman classes, to all upperclass entrants in the tourney. Both coaches will give such instruction at the Randolph Gymnasium next Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 4 to 5 o'clock. The squash court will be available all next weeks for boxing practice.

Men may enter the tourneys today and tomorrow. Pairings will be drawn Monday and the preliminaries held Tuesday afternoon in the Randolph Gymnasium. The finals will take place in the Union on Saturday night.

The winners and runners-up will receive medals.
