
Senior Class Notice

On and after May 1 all Seniors will wear cap and gown all morning and until 1 P. M. This is a time-honored custom and will be lived up to this year. Owing to the confused classification, a list of "Seniors" is posted in University Hall. The contract for caps and gowns has been awarded to Cotrell and Leonard Co., of Albany, N. Y. All Seniors are requested to get measured at the Harvard Co-operative immediately and to leave an order for a gown. Until April 15th the price of a complete cut fit is $7.25. After April 15th the price is $7.75. Caps and gowns may be rented through the Coop for $3.00 for the period from May 1st to Class Day. At any rate get your order in before April 15th. This means everybody who is on the list posted. CLASS DAY COMMITTEE.
