Very few men from the class of 1920 have so far made application for rooms in the Senior dormitories for next year. The committee, which is still holding office hours in Randolph 54 every afternoon except Saturday and Sunday from 4 to 6 o'clock, wishes to impress upon all men who intend to apply that no applications will be accepted after March 14.
Any men who have rooms in the Senior dormitories this year will not have a priority on them during 1919-20, as do the inhabitants of some college rooms. These men must apply with the other students who intend to finish their college course next year and must take their chances in the drawing with the other applicants. All applicants are advised to form in groups of twelve, each group to elect a chairman who will accept responsibility for the other members and make all the arrangements for obtaining rooms. The prices of the various rooms will be the same as in pre-war years.
It has been decided that neither Matthews nor Weld Halls will be among the Senior dormitories next year. The buildings reserved exclusively for Seniors will be Hollis, Stoughton, Holworthy, and Thayer.
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