

Dr. John R. Mott, Head of Y. M. C. A., Says Leaders Are Needed.

"Whether this is to be an era of lasting, construction or an age of materialism, so common after a period of war, depends upon the college students more than upon any other group of people in the world," said Dr. John R. Mott, head of the Y. M. C. A. in France, in and interview with a CRIMSON reporter. "The students of Harvard and other American universities," he continued, "bear a larger responsibility in respected to the guidance of reconstruction than those of any of the foreign colleges. In the first place, America has lost fewer of her young men than any other country engaged in the war, and also it is to her, as Mr. Wilson said recently in his Boston speech, that Europe looks for leadership in the present era of reconstruction.

"Since the outbreak of hostilities, I have made five different journeys to the warring countries and where ever I went I learned that it was to American college men that the European countries, depleted by war, appeal for leaders at this time.

"I sincerely trust that Harvard men will not be found wanting when they are confronted by these great problems and that they will show the same heroism that so many of their fellows have recently shown on the field of battle."
