

Matches Arranged in Intercollegiate Tournament and With Yale.

At a meeting of the members of the University who are interested in golf at the H. A. A. yesterday afternoon Ralph Huntington Wales '19, of Chestnut Hill, was elected captain of the University golf team for the coming season. Wales has played on the University team for the last two years.

Plans were discussed for the coming season, and W. H. Potter, Jr., '19, who has been appointed manager of the team, announced manager of the team, announced that the schedule this year would include matches at the Intercollegiate Golf Tournament. This will take place at the Merion' Cricket Club, Haverford, Pa., during the week of June 23-28. In addition matches are being arranged with Yale and other colleges.

Practice at the 'Oakley Country Club will begin as soon as the condition of the links permits. Men who desire to become candidates for the team should leav e their names and addresses at the H. A. A.
