

First Meeting of Professor Morize's Section This Evening.

A new discussion group, designed especially for graduates and Law School men, and led by Professor Kirsopp Lake, has been started under the auspices of the Graduate Schools and Law School Societies of the Phillips Brooks House. The first meeting of this group will take place in the Phillips Brooks House tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock. Professor Lake will speak on "The Suppression of individualism." F. C. Breckenridge 2G will open the discussion.

Professor Morize's group will hold its first meeting in Phillips Brooks House tonight at 7 o'clock. T. J. Barstow '10 has been appointed student secretary of Professor Morize's division. First meetings of the other new groups will be held later in the week after which regular weekly meetings of an hour will be held through April. Men who wish to change from one group to another must notify the student secretaries of the change.
