

Decoration Also Conferred on Former Member of University Regiment.

Two more former members of the University and one former cadet in the University regiment who was not regularly enrolled as a student have been awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for heroism in action. The two graduates are First Lieutenant Robinson Murray '12 and Captain Conrad Wesselhoeft '11, both of Cambridge. Lieutenant Kari C. Payne of Belmont, the third upon whom the honor was conferred, although a student of M. I. T., owes his early training to the University regiment which he joined in the spring of 1917.

Lieutenant Murray's citation follows: "For extraordinary heroism in action near Mezy, France, June 15, 1918. On this day Lieutenant Murray alone attacked an enemy observation post held by ten of the enemy. He later organized a detachment of scattered men and filled a gap in our lines."

Captain Wesselhoeft, in action near Verdun in November, 1918, went forward under heavy machine gun fire, to the aid of a wounded soldier. The fire was so heavy that the two were compelled to remain in the shell hole until nightfall, when the wounded man was carried back to safety.

Lieutenant Payne, a member of the 20th Aero Squadron, and later a prisoner in Germany, was cited for heroism on the bombing expedition over the hostile lines, which resulted in his capture.
