


Application blanks are now ready for the members of 1920 who wish to apply for rooms in the Senior dormitories. Be ginning this afternoon and continuing until March 14, a member of the Senior Dormitory Committee will be in Randolph 54 every afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock, Saturdays and Sundays excepted, to furnish application blanks and plans of the halls giving the location, rental fee, and description of the various rooms.

All applications for rooms in the Senior dormitories must be in the hands of the committee by Friday evening, March 14 at 6 o'clock, when the drawing of lots for room assignments will take place. As the complete list of assignments must be submitted to the Bursar the following day, it will be impossible to accept applications after the above date. The families of men desiring to apply for rooms but who have not yet returned from service should make the necessary arrangements by mail. All letters should be addressed to the Senior Dormitory Committee, 54 Randolph Hall.

The custom of Seniors living together in the Yard has now become firmly established and it us felt that everything should be done to insure the continuation of the scheme next year. In the class of 1918, there were 347 members of the class who made application for rooms in the five halls, Hollis, Holworthy, Matthews, Stoughton and Thayer. It has been advised that the Juniors form in groups, the largest of which may contain 12 men, with not more that two men in a room. Preference in the allotment will be given to the larger groups. All men who entered College with the Class of 1920 or who finish their course in 1920 are eligible to make application. In filing their first preference and at least 20 other selections.

The Senior Dormitory Committee consists of the following members of 1920, from whom information concerning the dormitories may be obtained: E. W. Pavenstedt, chairman; L. T. Lanman, J. B. Mabon; L. B. Stevenson; J. Stubbs; G. Tilton; H. DeC. Ward; F. Workum.
