The first meetings of courses beginning today will meet at the following times and places. All students are required to attend the first meetings of their courses.
Chemistry 13, Boylston 9 at 12.
Classical Philology 34, Sever 25, at 10.
Engineering Sciences 5, Peabody Mus. 55, at 10.
Engineering Sciences 7a, Peabody Mus. 55, at 11.
English 55, Sever 11, at 9.
Fine Arts 5c, Fogg Lect. Rm., at 10.
Fine Arts 9c, Robinson Hall, at 12.
Government 1a, New Lect. Hall, at 9.
Government 16, Widener N, at 12.
History 56, Sever 5, at 11.
Mathematics I, Sever 24, at 11.
Mathematics II, Sever 19, at 10.
Mathematics II, Sever 35, at 11.
Mathematics III, Sever 35, at 10.
Palaeontology 1, Zool. Mus. 17, at 10.
Philosophy 4, Emerson A, at 10.
Philosophy 16, Emerson A, at 12.
Social Ethics 1, Emerson H, at 10.
Zoology 1, Zool. Lect. Rm., at 10.
Zoology 4, Zool. Lect. Rm., at 9.
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