

The final term of a year which has been unique in the history of the University commences today. Although the college year was divided into three periods by governmental requirements last autumn, subsequent events have chanced to distinguish each term as different from the others. The greater part of last fall was passed in energetic preparation for war service. The soldier-student was the ordinary, the civilian student the extraordinary. The second term was essentially one of transition. The uniform gradually became less and less familiar. Those forms of college activities which the war has effectively stopped were in process of reorganization.

Athletics were revived, and college publications resumed their routine of issue. In short, the change from a war time to a peace time university life was in process.

The third term which opens today will approach very closely to the usual life of pre-war years. Spring athletics will have their regular schedules of former days, and will retain few if any signs of war conditions. There are still some changes which must come before the old routine and life can be completely restored, but they are largely changes which only the coming of a new college year can effect.
