(The Crimson invites all men in the University to submit signed communications of timely interest. It assumes no responsibility, however, for sentiments expressed under this head and reserves the right to exclude any whose publication would be palpably inappropriate.)
To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
It is to be hoped that Professor Pope's suggestion that a University Theatre be Harvard's memorial to her sons that have given their lives in the war be accorded the attention among graduates and undergraduates that it deserves. Professor Pope has shown that such a tribute could be made as fitting and as beautiful as any that could be paid to those who gave their all to the cause.
It should be noted that such a memorial would fill what amounts to a crying need in the College today. Harvard stands almost alone among the large universities in the lack of a University Theatre of some sort, and yet she is recognized as the leading American college in actual accomplishment in the theatrical field. She has contributed more men that make the theatre worth while than any other college.
Yet when the Harvard Dramatic Club produces a play, it may do so only by accepting the kindness of a private club in allowing it to use a stage. It has no home which it can call its own; its scenery and properties after a production either become lost for want of room to keep them, or they must be crowded into the already desperately crowded 47 Workshop Room in Massachusetts Hall. Despite this, the Club has been able to do what no other University Dramatic Club has done,--successfully to write, stage, and act its own plays, in productions that have furnished a starting point for many of the best men in the dramatic world.
Aside from this intellectual value of supplying a centre for men interested in the theatre, such a memorial would be used by every man in College during his course at some time. Many of the smaller clubs would be furnished the place in which to give entertainments, which they can have in no other way. Class movies and smokers, concerts, and in short every form of undergraduate entertainment would centre about a University Theatre.
Professor Pope's plan presents indeed a rare opportunity to combine as a memorial what could be beautiful and practical at the same time. ROBERT T. BUSHNELL '19. Pres. Harvard Dramatic Club.
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