
Nines Forced Indoors for Practice

The University and Freshman baseball squads were forced by the rainy weather yesterday to practice in the Cage. Last week on two afternoons the squads were able to hold their first outdoor practices.

The tentative line-up of the University nine at present places H. P. King '21 at first, W. W. McCleod '19 at second, R. E. Emmons '20 at short stop and T. J. Meehan '21 at third. L. P. Jones '19, W. B. Frothingham '21, W. J. Murray '19, and H. C. Wiswell '18, are also strong infield players. For the outfield, E. Casey '19, L. B. Evans '20, R. E. Gross '19, and J. T. Baldwin '21 are the leading candidates.

Two Freshman teams have been selected which played a three inning game a short time ago. The feature of the game was seven strike-outs by E. Good, and the strong playing of the infield.
