

More About Teacher's Salaries

(The Crimson invites all men in the University to submit signed communications of timely interest. It assumes no responsibility, however, for sentiments expressed under this head and reserves the right to exclude any whose publication would be palpably inappropriate.)

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

The consensus of opinion shows conclusively that the University while being somewhat amused is thoroughly disgusted with the attitude which Mr. Wheel-wright has taken on higher salaries. He has no argument. His letter, which consists solely of incoherent statements and flashy phrases such as "clapped into a limousine" and "by dint of theatre parties and champagne", is amusing enough and well fit for the latest parody on the Harvard Magazine, even when we do not consider that the author meant it to be serious. It gives very good proof that the unintentional humor is the best.

A letter of the tenor which appeared in the Saturday's CRIMSON is doubly inexcusable when a person realizes that it comes from one in Mr. Wheelwright's position. It was not only extremely poor taste but grossly presumptive. To think that an undergraduate should take it upon himself to demand further personal sacrifice from his instructors is really preposterous. I would like to ask Mr. Wheelwright how many of his instructors have been made unfit for his friendship by their wealth. I would like to ask him further how much personal sacrifice he has made to be in the "sympathetic company and congenial surroundings" of Harvard. As far as we know the only sacrifice which Mr. Wheelwright has made has been in writing this most absurd communication. JOHN F. FULTON JR., '21.
