At a meeting of the Athletic Committee held on Thursday evening, Barrett Wendell, Jr., '02, Dr. Channing Frothingham '02, and Dr. E. H. Nichols '86 were re-appointed members of the Graduate Advisory Baseball Committee, and Robert S. Potter '12 was chosen as a new member of that committee.
The matter of policy to be followed in the employment of football coaches was also thoroughly discussed but no definite announcement of decision can yet be made on that subject. The Chairman and Graduate Treasurer were authorized to select and employ a baseball coach for the Freshman team.
The question of awarding numerals to the Freshman hockey team, in spite of the fact that there was no game with Yale, was referred to the Student Council with the request that they express an opinion in the matter. And the awarding of the "H" to managers of the University football, baseball teams and the crew of 1917 as well as of the 1917-18 hockey team, although there were no competitions with Yale in that year on account of the war, was discussed, and likewise referred to the Student Council.
Many Appointments Ratified.
The following appointments were approved:--1922 wrestling, J. H. Hoeck '22, manager; G. B. Forbush, assistant manager.
University golf.--R. H. Wales '19, captain; W. H. Potter '19, manager.
University tennis.--F. C. Hanighen '21, captain.
University lacrosse.--D. E. Lynn '19, manager.
1922 track.--R. G. Potter '22, manager; H. S. P. Rowe '22, assistant manager.
Fencing insignia was awarded to the following members of the University fencing team: E. R. Gay '19, captain, R. H. Snow '20, and S. H. Ordway '21. The following were awarded the University wrestling insignia:--C. P. Anderson '21, G. Baker '20, J. A. MacDonell '21, C. S. Gardner '21, E. V. Parsonnet '21, C. D. Smith '21, and L. A. Watkins '21, manager.
Insignia for members of the Freshman wrestling team was awarded to the following members of 1922: L. D. Baker, J. J. Brown, C. C. Macomber, D. H. Sanders, G. V. Smith, J. F. Stearns, E. D. Weatherhead, J. H. Hoeck, manager.
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