(The Crimson invites all men in the University to submit signed communications of timely interest. It assumes no responsibility, however, for sentiments expressed under this head and reserves the right to exclude any whose publication would be palpably inappropriate.)
To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
The CRIMSON published an article dealing with the appointment of an athletic director. There is no need for any new system of athletics. Coach is provided, and facilities offered for participating in every branch of sport.
I doubt if any coach has said "this squad is too large." There is need for large squads to insure competition and interest in a team. It is reasonable to have the best men receive the best training, for we never want to see the University represented by anything but the best. The ones who fail to make the first squad are formed into groups and given opportunities to play against teams of equivalent ability. A large squad is a great advantage to any team, as it insures competition and interest to all concerned.
Why do not more men come out to fill up the present squads? The common excuse is lack of time or ability. If the former reason is given, make time; if the latter, try first and let the coach decide where your effort will be most useful. The underlying cause is the fear of appearing ridiculous. No man, whatever his ability, will be laughed at for honestly trying to make some squad.
When too many men report for the present coaches to handle, then let us hear a cry of "athletics for all." The H. A. A. is sufficiently alive to furnish additional men for the coaching staff if our present supply does not meet the demand. DOUGLAS H. WORRALL '20.
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