The twenty-three game baseball schedule announced this morning is the greatest step yet taken toward a real old time spring athletic season. Once more home runs and strikeouts will be on everybody's lips and Soldiers Field will echo to the crack of bats and the yelling of coaches.
Besides the regular Yale and Princeton games we are glad to note the presence of so many New England colleges on the schedule. Dartmouth, Williams, Amherst, and Brown will be capable of giving a stiff fight to the best nine the University can put on the field. Probably the most interesting opponent will be the Havana University team. This is the first time a Cuban nine has visited Cambridge in many years, if ever. The inclusion of a foreign game will lend much interest to the team and its record.
The important factor in the schedule is that only three games are to be played outside of New England. The season will prove whether good opponents can be found near home without the necessity of taking long trips for the sole pleasure of playing far away colleges. We must have a strong schedule but it should always be possible to make one up with colleges near at hand.
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